Hi Rails community!
If you’ve been using ckeditor
gen and were looking for a way to integrate CKEditor 5 into your Rails app, I’ve got something for you.
I’ve built ckeditor5
, a gem that makes embedding CKEditor 5 in Rails simple and flexible. With this gem, you get:
Full support for custom plugins
Multiple editor types (e.g., DecoupledEditor)
Presets for easy configuration
Lazy loading to optimize performance
It’s meant to be a spiritual successor to ckeditor
, but modernized for CKEditor 5. If you’re working with rich text in Rails, give it a try and let me know what you think!
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'ckeditor5'
In your layout:
<!-- app/views/layouts/application.html.erb -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- javascript_importmap_tags -->
<%= yield :head %>
<%= yield %>
In your view:
<!-- app/views/demos/index.html.erb -->
<% content_for :head do %>
<!-- 📦 Adds importmap with CKEditor 5 assets. -->
<!-- 🌍 It'll automatically use your `I18n.locale` language. -->
<%= ckeditor5_assets %>
<% end %>
<!-- 🖋️ CKEditor 5 might be placed using simple view helper ... -->
<%= ckeditor5_editor %>
<!-- ... or using form input helper -->
<%= form_for @post do |f| %>
<%= f.ckeditor5 :content, required: true %>
<% end %>
(optional) Customize your config (the default config is defined here):
# config/initializers/ckeditor5.rb
CKEditor5::Rails.configure do
# 🔖 Specify the version of editor you want.
# ⚙️ Default configuration includes:
# 📝 Classic editor build
# 🧩 Essential plugins (paragraphs, basic styles)
# 🎛️ Default toolbar layout
# 📜 GPL license
# Optionally, you can specify version of CKEditor 5 to use.
# If it's not specified the default version specified in the gem will be used.
version '44.1.0'
# Upload images to the server using the simple upload adapter, instead of Base64 encoding.
# simple_upload_adapter
# Specify global language for the editor.
# It can be done here, in controller or in the view.
# By default the `I18n.locale` is used.
# language :pl
Voilà! You have CKEditor 5 integrated with your Rails application.
Looking forward to your feedback!