checking cookies

harp wrote:

<% if cookie["survey_#{}"] -%> can't reach this, you already did the survey.. <% else -%> ...blockofcode <% end -%>

but unfortunately the cookie[...] doesn't work.

That should be


Note the 's'.


Chris Mear wrote:

harp wrote:

> <% if cookie["survey_#{}"] -%> > can't reach this, you already did the survey.. > <% else -%> > ...blockofcode > <% end -%> > > but unfortunately the cookie[...] doesn't work.

That should be


Actually, that's not the main problem. The main problem is that the 'cookies' method isn't accessible from views. You can only access it from your controller.

So in your controller, write something like:

@completed = cookies["survey_#{}"]

And then in your view you can do

<% if @completed -%>
