Chapter 9


I'm currently stunk on this issue for few days and I do not know how to get it fixed.

The system always raises this error message :

order is closed

and here is my order.rb:

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveMerchant::Billing   before_validation :set_status

attr_protected :id, :customer_ip, :status, :error_message, :updated_at, :created_at

attr_accessor :card_type, :card_number, :card_expiration_month, :card_expiration_year, :card_verification_value   validates_size_of :order_items, :minimum => 1   validates_length_of :ship_to_first_name, :in => 2..255   validates_length_of :ship_to_last_name, :in => 2..255   validates_length_of :ship_to_address, :in => 2..255   validates_length_of :ship_to_city, :in => 2..255   validates_length_of :ship_to_postal_code, :in => 2..255   validates_length_of :ship_to_country, :in => 2..255   validates_length_of :phone_number, :in => 7..20   validates_length_of :customer_ip, :in => 7..15   validates_format_of :email, :with => /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+ [a-z]{2,})$/i   validates_inclusion_of :status, :in => %w(open processed closed failed)

  validates_inclusion_of :card_type, :in => ['Visa', 'MasterCard', 'Discover'], :on => :create   validates_length_of :card_number, :in => 13..19, :on => :create   validates_inclusion_of :card_expiration_month, :in => %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12), :on => :create   validates_inclusion_of :card_expiration_year, :in => %w(2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2017), :on => :create   validates_length_of :card_verification_value, :in => 3..4, :on => :create

  has_many :order_items   has_many :books, :through => :order_items   def total     order_items.inject(0) {|sum, n| n.price * n.amount + sum}   end   always

def process      if closed? raise "Order is closed"       begin         process_with_active_merchant       rescue => e         logger.error("Order #{id} failed with error message #{e}")         self.error_message = 'Error while processing order'         self.status = 'failed'       end       save!       self.status == 'processed'      end end

  def process_with_active_merchant     Base.gateway_mode = :test     gateway =       :login => '',       :password => 'xxxxxx',             :pem =>, "../../ config/paypal/cert_key_pem.txt")))       #:cert_path => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../config/ paypal")

    gateway.connection.wiredump_dev = STDERR     creditcard =       :type => card_type,       :number => card_number,       :verification_value => card_verification_value,       :month => card_expiration_month.to_i,       :year => card_expiration_year.to_i,       :first_name => ship_to_first_name,       :last_name => ship_to_last_name     )     # Buyer information     params = {       :order_id =>,       :email => email,       :address => { :address1 => ship_to_address,                     :city => ship_to_city,                     :country => ship_to_country,                     :zip => ship_to_postal_code                   },       :description => 'Books',       :ip => customer_ip     }     response = gateway.purchase(total, creditcard, params)     if response.success?       self.status = 'processed'     else       self.error_message = response.message       self.status = 'failed'     end   end protected   def set_status     self.status = "open" if self.status.blank?   end


I don't know what's wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Arte Fact

Well, that exception is obviously being raised in the first line of #process. What do you get in your logs if you put this as the first line in #process?

logger.debug "closed is '#{self.closed.inspect}'"

I assume closed? is returning true. I don't use ActiveMerchant so I am not sure what closed is, but this should send you in the right direction.


arte_fact wrote:

Hello Bill,

I tried it but I got an error message saying the the method self.closed did not exist.

Thank you for your help.

Aret Fact

according to the source code's chapter 9 order.rb file at, this class also has this instance method:

  def closed?     status == 'closed'   end

which wasn't included in the original posting. did you end up adding this method to make the error message go away?

have you read or are in the process of reading the apress book, _beginning ruby on rails e-commerce_ (by hellsten and laine), particularly chapter 9: checkout and order processing ? if so, perhaps you might be able to help..

this posting is a spin-off of the posting,

i encountered a similar problem as arte, despite including the order class' closed? method.

to test the rest of the code without the condition if the status of the order was closed (i believed i could safely assume it was 'open' for the time being), i took out the following line:            if closed? raise "Order is closed" (with its corresponding 'end' statement.)

now a new problem arose, and in my development.log i see the following error message:

"Order XX failed with undefined method `connection' for #<ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalGateway:0x3211c38>"

that was prompted by the rescue instructions, logger.error("Order #{id} failed with error message #{e}")

so i tried looking for this so-called string/method/reference to 'connection' in the vendor/plugins/active_merchant/lib/active_merchant/ billing/gateways/paypal files, particularly in the PaypalGateway class, but to no avail :frowning:

i am confused. is it possible it is looking for 'connection' through other components that do exist in the PaypalGateway class contents or ?

if interested or it would be helpful, the source code for this chapter 9 (and others) in this book are available here: