Use Rails I18n for this.
In config/locales/en.yml:
en: date: formats: default: "%m/%d/%Y"
In views:
<%= l some_model.date_field %>
Use Rails I18n for this.
In config/locales/en.yml:
en: date: formats: default: "%m/%d/%Y"
In views:
<%= l some_model.date_field %>
And what about helpers? I would like to let users to enter date in the text field (faster then 3x select), so value for some_object.date_attribute should in f.text_field(:date_attribute) be "21.7.2011" (not "2011-07-21").
I am using virtual atributes for now:
def date_attribut_to_s if self.date_attribute.kind_of?(Date) return self.date_attribute.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") else return self.date_attribute end end
def date_attribut_to_s=(maybe_date) date=nil
if maybe_date.blank? self.date_attribute=nil elsif mybe_date.kind_of?(Date) self.date_attribute=maybe_date else begin #some more complex date parsing required? date = Date.strptime(maybe_date, "%d.%m.%Y") rescue self.errors.add(:date_attribute,"Invalid date") end self.date_attribute = date unless date.blank? end end
and use it in view as f.text_field(:date_attribute_to_s) .
Valentine B. wrote in post #989611:
So what is the question?