change event in one combo box to update another combo box

Hi, I have two combo boxes. One combo box has the name of countries stored in the database. So, when a country is selected from this combo box I want other combo box to list all the cities stored in the database related to that selected country without clicking any button. Any help would be great.. thanks

Raja Venkataraman wrote:

Jay Pangmi wrote:

Hi, I have two combo boxes. One combo box has the name of countries stored in the database. So, when a country is selected from this combo box I want other combo box to list all the cities stored in the database related to that selected country without clicking any button. Any help would be great.. thanks

There are 2 ways to do it. a) Have a onChange listener on your country Select control which submits back to your action_controller and repopulate the form,

b) Make an AJAX call using remote_function method. Take a look at for an example.

Thank for the reply but me being new and bit dumb couldn't make use of it. I searched for the onChange listener in Rails but couldn't find. Also I couldn't figure out how I can use the remote_function that you suggested. I have made my one combo box as: <form>   <%=select("selected","location",GreatWalk.getAvailableLocations)%) </form>

In the controller: def self.getAvailableLocations @locations=GreatWalk.find(:all) @locationhoder= for locs in @locations   @locationholder<<[locs.location,locs.location] end @locationholder end

So, plz guide me thru... thnx.

Jay Pangmi wrote:

In the controller: def self.getAvailableLocations @locations=GreatWalk.find(:all) @locationhoder= for locs in @locations   @locationholder<<[locs.location,locs.location] end @locationholder end

So, plz guide me thru... thnx.

sorry I mean in the model here... thnx

Thanks, I somehow got it fixed using observe_field. But, I'm not sure if its the right way in the scenario which is like: One combo box with name of location is on the top and when ever I change the location the combo box underneath will be updated with the areas within the location selected in the top combo box. With this bottom combo box there are few other text boxes as well where some input is given. At the bottom is a button "proceed to next area" when clicking which a new combo box with the similar text fields gonna add to the bottom of that updated combo box with the next area name. This keeps on until the end of the list is reached. Ok this is similar to what I'm trying to make:

Here's how got the first part sorted which is updating bottom combo with the top combo:


Hello , Use an Observe_field , so that you can have the country selected as a parameter and with the help of the country name u can extract the respective cities from the database

The following is the code snippet I have used. Might be of some help to u.

My View Code:

saideep a.v.s wrote:

Hello , Use an Observe_field , so that you can have the country selected as a parameter and with the help of the country name u can extract the respective cities from the database

Thanks & Regards,

Saideep Annadatha

Thanks a tonn saideep for your time and your help. It works great now but 1 confusion, actually there are

1) the :with key in the observe_field, what does it takes and its use? Suppose I got combobox displaying camp_location column from the table and values as it primary key wich is id. Here :with key takes the value of the selected location?

2) I gave :with=>"id" and in the controller, I tried: Campsites.find(:all, :condition=>["walk_id = ?",params["id"]]) but didn't work but using Campsites.find_by_sql("select * from campsites where walk_id = "+params["id"]) did the work. I wonder why?

3) Does it matter to do "id" or :id. For example ....:update=>:campsites.... <div id = "campsites"> and vice-versa.

4) observe_field, does it use AJAX? coz it only updates the certain area of the page and if it does, don't I have to insert <%=javascript_include_tag :defaults%>

Thanks.. regards, jay

SORRY I FORGOT TO ASK THIS WHICH IS MORE CONFUSING... why is this updating working only in the aptana browser (I'm using aptana studio for rails) and not in IE and FireFox. I checked the javascript is enabled. Is there something else I need to do? thanks guys, this place has really been great for me to learn rails..

Hello Jay,

Sorry for the delay…!!! The answers to your doubts are based to best of my knowledge and request whoever to correct me where found wrong ( me too being new to rails :wink: )

  1. the :with key in the observe_field, what does it takes and its use?

Suppose I got combobox displaying camp_location column from the table

and values as it primary key wich is id. Here :with key takes the value

of the selected location?

The :with key passes the value you specify there as parameters to the controller. and by default the :with key takes the value of the observed field when changed. yeah the :key in ur case must take the selected location in the combo box unless if u didnt assign any other value to the :with.

  1. I gave :with=>“id” and in the controller, I tried:

Campsites.find(:all, :condition=>[“walk_id = ?”,params[“id”]]) but

didn’t work but using Campsites.find_by_sql("select * from campsites

where walk_id = "+params[“id”]) did the work. I wonder why?

I have made use of the below statment and it worked fine with me @result = Country.find(:all, :conditions => [ “country = ?”, params[:country] ] )

if u dont mind my silly doubt. why once try as params[:id] instead of params[“id”] … but doesnt make any difference though

  1. Generally what I have learned was with " " you can have more stack level depth traversal than : ( I too couldn’t research more into this and request for good place to refer)

  2. Yes, it makes Ajax requests in the back.

ANd the browser related question. It worked for me both in IE and Firefox. and it completely depends on how you have coded and updated . so I suggest to use firebug in firefox so that u can actually know which div is getting activated and whats happening and all.

Thanks & Regards,

Saideep Annadatha

Ami wrote:

an excellent tutorial by Ryan biggs: Updating a select box based on another pay attention the observe_field must have :update => the id on the page you want it to populate ;-)A

On Oct 7, 8:21�pm, Jay Pangmi <>

Thank for this info. I will be reading it hard but before that I got one combo box update another combo using observe_field but only in Aptana studio browser and when I tried in firefox I get this line with error while loading the same page and doesn't work. Here's that line but according to rails api doc I think it should create similar html tag isn't it?:

<script type="text/javascript"> 45//<![CDATA[ 46new Form.Element.EventObserver('walks_id', function(element, value) {new Ajax.Updater('campsites_list', '/user/update_campsites', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'id=' + value + '&authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('834004033f4404c8c5a6116d048eeab7e72d7c14')})}) 47//]]> 48</script>

The code I'm using in the view that has observe_field is: