Capture form input from text_field and modify data

I'm new to ruby and just trying to toech myself ruby on rails. I've got a shopping cart and I need to be able te specify product quantity while in the cart. I have succefully created a link to incriment the quantity but I would like to be able to grab a number from a text_field and use it as the new quantity. The incriment feature is implimented as follows:

This is in my view: <%= link_to("<font color=green>(add)</font>", :action => :update_cart, :id => %>

This is in my store controller:   def update_cart     product = Product.find(params[:id])     @cart.update_product(product)     flash[:notice] = "Item quantity has been updated"     redirect_to(:action => :display_cart)   end

This is in my cart class:   def update_product(product)     item = @items.find {|i| i.product_id ==}     item.quantity += 1     @total_price += product.price     @total_shipping += product.shipping   end

I'm clueless here and could really use some help. TIA