Cant send email

Dear Friends, I am new to rails.I am developing a test application. I have to send emails .I have rails 2.2.2 and made following changes to "application.rb"

Hello Muhammad,

I assume you've already installed action_mailer_optional_tls so I won't say to do that.

I use:

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {   :tls => true,   :address => "",   :port => 25,   :domain => "",   :authentication => :login,   :user_name => "",   :password => "........" }

But I also needed to make a change to smtp_tls.rb so it would work with Ruby 1.8.7. Specifically:


check_auth_args user, secret, authtype if user or secret To:

    check_auth_args user, secret if user or secret

As for some reason check_auth_args went from 3 args to 2.


Muhammad Raafay wrote: