can't create record with id

I'm migrating the tables with existing data I've users table and all other tables contains the user_id column and now i need seperate the users into two (users & customers) tables So i need to migrate the new customers table with existing users records where the user type with customer

I need to create a customers table and set the id of users records with user type as customer, which will be easy instead of migrating many of other tables(which is used only by customers) by checking every record with user's user type and assign the new id of customers table.

My tables should looks like

users table:

    id | name | ...

Are you sure you want to do it that way? It may well be simpler to keep one table with flags to indicate the type of the user. Alternatively you could use STI (though again this may be more complex than just flags). Also there is the cancan gem that allows users to have various roles (user and customer in this case). Remember that you can have multiple relationships between the same tables with different association names for the different cases. Also remember that you can have self-referential associations so that if you want relationships between users and customers that can still be done even if they are in the same table. See the Rails Guide on ActiveRecord Associations.

If you can't see how this would work post the proposed relationships between users, customers and the rest for suggestions on how to achieve the same thing with a single table.


tl;dr Yes, you /can/ even if Colin's advice is good (AND I agree with him!) customer = {|c| = }

I'm migrating the tables with existing data I've users table and all other tables contains the user_id column and now i need seperate the users into two (users & customers) tables So i need to migrate the new customers table with existing users records where the user type with customer

I need to create a customers table and set the id of users records with user type as customer, which will be easy instead of migrating many of other tables(which is used only by customers) by checking every record with user's user type and assign the new id of customers table.

My tables should looks like

users table:

   id | name | ...   ------------------------------    1 | aaa | ...    2 | bbb | ...    4 | ddd | ...    6 | fff | ...

customers table

   id | name | ...   -------------------------------    3 | ccc | ...    5 | eee | ...    7 | ggg | ...

When i'm migrating users existing data, I can't assign the id of user as customer's primary id

Well, what you can't do is use "mass assigment" to set the id of an ActiveRecord model.

You can, however, set the id on a new record and it will be honored if the database doesn't forbid it. (For example, if that primary key value already existed.)

In my migration file

def up    create_table(:customers) do |t|      t.string :name    end

   User.joins(:user_type).where(:user_type => {:type_name => 'customer'}).find_in_batches(:batch_size => 100){ |users|       users.each {|user|              customer =     =     =     => false)       }       } end

Also tried

Customer.create!(:id => instead of save method


INSERT INTO customers(id, name) VALUES("#{}", "#{}")

Finally all ended with same error

Error: Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id

Is this correct?

Is there any way to assign the primary id ?

Please anyone explain how to do this?

There's even a block form of that passes in the newly initialized object.

customer = => {|c| = } => false)

Since you already have a "user_type", it seems like you're at least halfway to being STI (Single-Table Inheritance) anyway.

Couldn't you have:

class Customer < User end

Then you'd have a `type` attribute (column) in the users table which would hold the class name represented by that row of data. (which could be "User" or could be "Customer")

Then you can say:   r = User.find_by_name('ccc') and r will hold an instance of the Customer class.
