Hi, I have a Model for my_table table which serialises a column named serialised_column serialised_column contains an array object, which contains hash objects something like serialised_column = [{‘name’ => ‘this’}, {‘name’ => ‘that’}]
the code for model is something like this
class MyTable < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name ‘my_table’ serialize :serialised_column end
and a controller which access the data class ShowController < ApplicationController def show s = MyTable.find(:all, :conditions => [‘some conditions’]) if s.size != 0 @s = s.serialised_column.each { |s| @s << [‘name’ => s[‘name’]]
} end #if end #def end #class
in view the show.rhtml file is something like <%# considering size of s is not zero %> <%= @s[0][‘name’] %>
now when I run this file, I get an TypeError exception, which says ‘can’t convert String into Integer’
why is so? I’m not casting a string to intger, and neither want it to happen!