Can't access model method in view

In the console:

act = Activity.find_by_id(37)

=> #<Activity id: 37, created_at: "2008-07-30 05:08:41", updated_at: "2008-07-30 05:08:41", location_id: 1, scheduled_at: nil>


=> #<Location id: 1, name: "Bar Austin", genre: 1, age_group: 1, notes: "First Bar Added to Test", created_at: "2008-07-29 04:15:47", updated_at: "2008-07-29 04:15:47", street1: "402 E. 6th Street", street2: nil, city: "Austin", state: "TX", zip: "78701", phone_number: "(512) 476-3139", image_url: "locations/bars/image1.jpg", website_url: nil, average_rating: 3.0>

nevermind, i was appending an array to arrays and it was trying to call a method on an array and not an object.