Cannot get progress bars to work w/ Apache Progress Module

I am following this screencast as well as comparing this against all the other rails Apache Progress Module progress bar examples and I can't figure out why I am always getting a 404 routing error:

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/progress"):

I have a feeling that it's something centered around my apache configurations but everything seems to check out.

in my httpd.conf I have these relative configs:

LoadModule upload_progress_module libexec/apache2/

Include /private/etc/apache2/other/*.conf Include /private/etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/*.conf

in my passenger_pane_vhosts/file_upload_progress1.local.vhost.conf I have this virtual host set up:

[code] <VirtualHost *:80>    ServerName file_upload_progress1.local    DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents/ROR_tests/file_upload_progress1/public"    RailsEnv development    #RailsAllowModRewrite off

   <directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents/ROR_tests/file_upload_progress1/public">         Order allow,deny         Allow from all        # AllowOverride all    </directory>

    # needed for tracking upload progess     <Location />         # enable tracking uploads in /         TrackUploads On     </Location>

    <Location /progress>         # enable upload progress reports in /progress         ReportUploads On     </Location> </VirtualHost> [/code]

in /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf I have: NameVirtualHost *:80

Another off the hand problem I'm having, and might be a clue is w/ my Passenger Pane. I installed the Phusion Passenger Pane and every time I try to add an entry, I get this error: Your changes couldn’t be saved   See the Console log for details.

Please help! I've spent days trying to figure this out and it's driving me crazy.

&lt;Location /&gt;
    \# enable tracking uploads in /
    TrackUploads On

&lt;Location /progress&gt;
    \# enable upload progress reports in /progress
    ReportUploads On

You need to tell passenger not to pass /progress to your rails app - eg by sticking PassengerEnabled off in that location block


Frederick,      Thanks for your help as always.

I adding the PassengerEnabled directive inside the location block as such:

  <Location /progress>         # enable upload progress reports in /progress         PassengerEnabled off         ReportUploads On     </Location>

I restarted apache and passenger and I'm still getting the 404:

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/progress"):

Frederick, Thanks for your help as always.

I adding the PassengerEnabled directive inside the location block as such:

<Location /progress> # enable upload progress reports in /progress PassengerEnabled off ReportUploads On </Location>

I restarted apache and passenger and I'm still getting the 404:

Hmm, that works for me. I'd check apache's error logs (and the console log and /var/log/system.log) to see if the upload module is complaining about anything


I tried all of these:

tail -f /var/log/system.log tail -f /private/var/log/apache2/error_log tail -f /private/var/log/apache2/access_log

as well as the console and, so far, I'm not seeing anything relevant.

Frederick Cheung wrote in post #994303:

[UPDATE] I solved the passenger pane issue and you can view the solution here: