Cannot change attribute with self[:attribute]= or write_attribute(:attribute, value)


I have a model called Vocab with an integer variable named box. I defined a method named promote which increases box by one:

def promote   self[:box] += 1 end

I put a link in the list.rhtml view created by scaffold

... <% for vocab in @vocabs %> ... <td><%= link_to 'Promote', :action => 'promote', :id => vocab %></td> ...

and created a promote message in the controller, which passes it on to the model

def promote   @vocab = Vocab.find(params[:id])   @vocab.promote;   redirect_to :action => 'list' end

However, this isn't working; the box variable stays the same. Changing the model's method to

def promote   value_before = self[:box]   self[:box] += 1   value_after = self[:box]   logger.error "Oops! First, box was #{value_before} and now it's #{value_after}." end

produces this in development.log:

Oops! First, box was 4 and now it's 5.

So the variable box does change, but the database entry probably hasn't been updated. I also tried write_attribute, but no luck. What am I doing wrong?


ah yes, that did the trick. Thanks!

I also realized that self[:box] is unnecessary, since I'm not overwriting any readers or writers.