can one test manual transactions in Rspec/UnitTest noting the testing framework wraps its DB work in a transaction & mysql doesn't allow nested transactions?


Just wondering, can one test manual transactions in Rspec/UnitTest noting the testing framework wraps its DB work in a transaction & mysql doesn’t allow nested transactions?


Just wondering, can one test manual transactions in Rspec/UnitTest noting the testing framework wraps its DB work in a transaction & mysql doesn't allow nested transactions?

Wrapping code examples (in rspec) or test methods (in t/u) in a transaction is the default behavior, but is easily turned off with config.transactional_fixtures = false.

The name transactional_fixtures is a bit misleading because its really about wrapping each method in a transaction whether you're using fixtures or not.

If you do turn this off, however, you'll want some code to truncate the DB after each example (after(:each) in rspec, teardown in test/unit) to avoid leaking state across examples.

HTH, David

actually what I really want would be to turn it off on just some tests, i.e. the ones that are going to be doing tests relating to transactions and rollbacks. Don’t suppose you know if this is possible?


actually what I really want would be to turn it off on just some
tests, i.e. the ones that are going to be doing tests relating to
transactions and rollbacks. Don't suppose you know if this is

It's a per subclass of Test::Unit::TestCase setting. IIRC (for test/ unit at least) rails will reload fixtures for you between tests.


actually I’m only using specs (rspec)