Can lock_version be ignored?

I have a need to update a record but without changing the lock_version -- or to at least .save without triggering a stale error if the lock_version has changed.

Is either possible? I've tried the API and some blogs, so far no hints...

-- gw

I have a need to update a record but without changing the lock_version -- or to at least .save without triggering a stale error if the lock_version has changed.

Is either possible? I've tried the API and some blogs, so far no hints...

def without_locking    old_value, ActiveRecord::Base.lock_optimistically =
ActiveRecord::Base.lock_optimistically, false    yield ensure    ActiveRecord::Base.lock_optimistically = old_value end

You could whack that into activerecord if you used it often enough.
That said, if I wanted to ignore optimisic locking then I probably
wouldn't be using it in the first place.
