Can I get multiple applications with different rails versions running on one machine?(can't activate activerecord)

I did so, details below: original:   gem 1.2.0   rails 2.0.2   one application(call it OLD) running well now:   gem 1.3.1(for rails 2.3.2's needs)   rails 2.0.2, 2.3.2(both exists)   another application(just a test application, almost blank, call it NEW) meet errors:

  /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:149:in `activate': can't activate activerecord (= 2.0.2, runtime),   already activated activerecord-2.3.2 (Gem::Exception)

Notice: I can't run gem cleanup, and I don't want change any of OLD              (including rake rails:freeze:edge RELEASE=2.0.2)            so I just freeze New, but still get errors. Can anyone help me ? Thanks a lot!

Have you tried to freeze rails into the project?

hei wrote: [...]

Notice: I can't run gem cleanup, and I don't want change any of OLD              (including rake rails:freeze:edge RELEASE=2.0.2)            so I just freeze New, but still get errors. Can anyone help me ? Thanks a lot!

Does the environment.rb file on OLD contain the correct RAILS_GEM_VERSION?


OLD just run well. I think it's because the oci adapter, I install it with activerecord 2.0.2. I will try to install a new one with activerecord 2.3.2, hope both of them can coexist. Thanks~

Got it! <1> cp /PATH/TO/ACTIVERECORD2.0.2/..../oci_adapter.rb /PATH/TO/ ACTIVERECORD2.3.2/...../oci_apapter.rb <2>cp /PATH/TO/ACTIVERECORD2.0.2/..../oci_adapter.rb /PATH/TO/VENDER/ ACTIVERECORD2.3.2/...../oci_apapter.rb And all works well~~~