calling a jQuery function from RJS/onclick


I have the following jQuery function on the head of my page.

<script type="text/javascript">     jQuery.noConflict();

    /* calling jNice on document ready */     jQuery(document).ready(function($)     {       $('div.jNice').jNice();     }); ..... </script>

On page load, this gets called correctly.

Now there's a link on the page that lets me add more rows and i do this via RJS. Here's the code.

<tr id="empty_item">     <div id="plussign"><%= add_item_link "+" %></div> </tr>

def add_item_link(name)    link_to_function name do |page|      page.insert_html :before, :empty_item, :partial=>'item', :object =>    end end

Now this partial 'item' contains form elements upon which jNice needs to work its magic.

How can I call the jNice function after the user clicks on the add_item_link? Thanks.

anyone?? anything?

enter live(). implementing this function solved my problem.