Call expire_fragment from outside sweepers or controllers

Hi all.

I need to expire cached fragments from outside sweepers or controllers: I have a rake task that calls a method inside a module in the /lib directory. This task will be called at a scheduled time by a crontab job.

After method execution I would like to expire some cached fragments.

I've just tried to import ActionController::Caching and ActionController::Caching::Fragment, but without success.

Do you have any suggestions?

xponrails wrote:

Hi all.

I need to expire cached fragments from outside sweepers or controllers: I have a rake task that calls a method inside a module in the /lib directory. This task will be called at a scheduled time by a crontab job.

After method execution I would like to expire some cached fragments.

I've just tried to import ActionController::Caching and ActionController::Caching::Fragment, but without success.

Do you have any suggestions?

I had exactly the same problem and managed to come up with a solution (albeit with a couple of limitations). My solution involves keeping all the code in the Sweeper and calling it via a class method, so it should work anywhere. See my blog entry for an explanation and the code.