Cache expiration with format not working as expected

Hi all,

In my OrdersController, I have two actions completed and incomplete that respond_to HTML and CSV.

Im also action caching these actions

.. caches_action :completed, :incomplete ... def completed    @orders = Order.completed    respond_to do |format|       format.html       format.csv {render :layout => false}    end end

def incomplete   @orders = Order.incomplete    respond_to do |format|       format.html       format.csv {render :layout => false}    end end

Now the cached fragments when I go to the CSV urls are

views/localhost:3001/orders/completed.csv views/localhost:3001/orders/incomplete.csv

My sweepers have the following cache expiration commands .. expire_action :controller => :orders, :action => :completed, :format => :csv expire_action :controller => :orders, :action => :incomplete, :format => :csv ...

But the log says

Expired fragment : views/localhost:3001/completed.csv Expired fragment : views/localhost:3001/incomplete.csv

notice that it missed "/orders" in there? The cache therefore never expires for the CSV format output. It works fine for HTML though. Any idea what im doing wrong?