Cache and content_for


I want to cache some fragment to place in a sidebar of my default layout, and i want to use content_for to place it.

It the API it says:

NOTE: Beware that content_for is ignored in caches. So you      shouldn't use it for elements that are going to be fragment cached.

I am not really sure what means, because i have tried placing a cache block inside a content_for block and it looks that it works.

I want to know if i am using it correctly and wether it will be a problem in the future because that's not supposed to work.

In my general layout i have:

/app/views/layout/general.html.erb :

...    <div id="divsidebar">                           <%= yield :sidebar %>    </div> ...

In mi view, i have:

/app/views/controller/index.html.erb :

... <% content_for :sidebar do %> <% cache(:action_suffix => "tagcloudcache") do %>   ...   <%= render(:partial => "tagcloud") %>

<% end %> <% end %> ...

My question is: Is that not supposed to work? Because it works. Is there a better way of doing it?

Thanks a lot for your attention!!

-- M