undefined method `to_f’ for {}:HashWithIndifferentAccess
This was happening in the after_create method. We have a table that lists fields and what validation is needed, we use this to pick out the value in the record so we can apply the validation function to the value if one has been given.
field_value = self.send(field_name) # Error was thrown here
I fixed this by calling self.reload at the beginning of the method that does the field scanning. I think that ActiveRecord doesn’t refresh its attributes hash after save and the error came from it expecting the value to be of a particular type… I don’t like calling reload, but can’t find a method that will refresh the attributes hash.
For what it's worth, the params attribute of the controllers is a
HashWithIndifferentAccess. Any chance that you were inadvertently
passing params (or one of its inner hashes) rather than the ARec
Discovered that this was the result of sending nils in the hash passed
into the create method, as it came over the wire as XML and was then
incorporated into the params array, unlike the conventional post
method, which puts empty strings in there. I wrote a one-liner to
remove the hash elements with nil in them and everything started
working. There was also another nasty bug which was putting the
HashWithIndifferentAccess thang into any empty strings and saving that
into the database.