BufferedLogger + formatting

I understand that rails 2.x introduced the buffered logger for performance and this is great. It also removed, as far as I can tell, the formatting that was available in the previous logger. Has anyone endeavored to include a formatter with the new logger? Or have any recommendations.

Many thanks.

Bumping this ....

Was it not included for performance reasons or just not included yet? DHH makes reference to removing it in the changeset but doesn't say why:


Guess I can't say I'm surprised there's not a lot of interest in the exciting topic of logging.

I ended up creating a super class "FormattedBufferedLogger" and initializing it in each of the environment files. The FormattedBufferedLogger (which rolls off the tongue I know), overrides #add to do some formatting magic and then calls #super

Note that config.logger didn't work at all. I had to redefine the RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER constant. Like so:

RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER = ExcitingModule::FormattedBufferedLogger.new(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "log", "#{RAILS_ENV}.log"), ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::Severity::DEBUG)