Spent a fair number of hours working out this issue and while I have a working solution I am not happy with it - it feels really really dirty.
We define a custom ActiveRecord sub-class that is used by a number of our data models that has a custom self.inherited method to register the sub-classes with the super class as we have super-class level operations that iterate across all of the sub-classes - factory-like class methods.
From our custom sub-class of ActiveRecord::Base
# Add all X classes to class-level array for use # in class methods that generate X for all sub-classes. def self.inherited(klass) if (klass.class != X) and (klass.class.to_s !~ /^X/) @@x_classes.push klass end # Chain to super or AR classes break! super(klass) end
this works really well for our purposes when class caching is on - however, with class caching off in development mode, the callbacks do not get called until the classes are first referenced - so if the super class methods are called that iterate through the class array of sub-classes before the sub-classes are all referenced, nothing is returned because no self.inherited calls have happened ...
With class caching on the callbacks are called and life is happy.
I have tried a number of solutions to this for development mode: * config.prepare_to did not work for this * eager_load directives did not work for this * config.after_intialize only works for initial load, fails to be called on reloead! * initializer did not work for this as only called once at startup
So far the only one that works for both the initial load of development and after reload! is called looks like this (from our config/environments/development.rb).
The problem of course with this code is that 1) it is horribly ugly and 2) it undoes the whole intent of the meta-programming when in development mode - which was to have sub-classes self-register so that we would not have to explicitly enumerate them and worry about forgetting to add one should we add another subclass :p.
Any pointers / advice on how to not do it this way but have stuff work in dev like it does in other environments (works fine with no crazy code when class caching is true) much appreciated.
- Max
# XXX - workarounds for class_caching == false in development # mode.