Better Modularization for Rails 2.0

I've written an article suggesting some radical changes to the Rails directory structure for Rails 2.0 and am curious to know the core team's thoughts about it:

Nice article, short and to the point.

While the benefits are certainly recognizable, I, for one, would find slightly shocking to have a directory like this:




I’ve been spoiled by the clean separation in Rails and I’d hate to go back to spaghetti directory structure. I imagine that most of its users would feel the same, too.

I've written an article suggesting some radical changes to the Rails directory structure for Rails 2.0 and am curious to know the core team's thoughts about it:

Thanks for thinking about this John, but I don't see Rails adopting something along those lines right now. We can definitely do more to improve high-level reuse for the sub-set of users who need it, but it probably won't be setting the tone quite as dramatically as this. I much prefer to have things divided by type when I'm just working on a single application. And anything that includes prefixing underscores is a visual non-starter for me ;).

Some of my larger plugins tend to look like that, though. It feels wrong, I want to add directories to separate models and controllers. Though ultimately, textmate makes it so I don't have to care that much about the actual directory structure.

I like the writeup, but I don't see it as a big enough benefit to justify the pain of changing it. Both structures have their benefits. If one was clearly superior then I say damn the pain and change it, but in this case it seems more like an arbitrary choice. Rails chose the MVC structure and Django chose the component structure. In a way it reflects the philosophies of the two frameworks.

I like this structure much better than Rails' components though. Maybe this type of structure could be used for a lighter-weight version of components for Rails 2.0. At first glance it would appear ugly to have two different kinds of file organization, but maybe there's a strong use case for lightweight components? At any rate, it's great to see this kind of fresh thinking.


"_foo" == :frowning:


DHH wrote:

Thanks for thinking about this John, but I don't see Rails adopting something along those lines right now. We can definitely do more to improve high-level reuse for the sub-set of users who need it, but it probably won't be setting the tone quite as dramatically as this. I much prefer to have things divided by type when I'm just working on a single application.

Help me out here. I'm not sure I understand why type is better. Setting the modularization argument aside grouping your application into logical parts seems like a win to me.

And anything that includes prefixing underscores is a visual non-starter for me ;).

Humor me for a minute here. The underscores aren't the critical part of the idea.

The thing that immediately struck me about this proposal was the interdependencies between the different parts of the application. The example in the original post showed several (of what I presume are) models in the app/blog subdirectory, but I'd expect that the models and controllers in that subdir also require the model in the app/account subdirectory. If you wanted to give someone else the app/blog subdirectory to use in their application, then some degree of scaffolding or similar would be required in the user model to make it work. I'm curious if django has a solution to this problem? Usually, in my applications, there would almost always be a single directory that had all of the models and controllers, since there's almost always a dependency chain that links all of them together.

As I understand it, the purpose of the rearrangement would be to support making it trivial to carve out subsets of a Rails application for re-use, but in my experience, the directory structure is the *last* thing you need to be worrying about. There are many, many more important things to decide on before concerning yourself with how many different directories you need to copy files out of.

If your goal is only to allow people to structure plugins in a more Rails-like manner, rather than assisting so much in the *extraction* of the plugins, then I would suggest that adding vendor/plugins/<plugin_name>/app?/{models,controllers,helpers,views} to the search paths would achieve that aim without requiring what is a fairly fundamental change to the way in which all Rails applications are structured.

For myself, I think that the proposed change is an aesthetic loss, but that may simply be familiarity with the existing layout talking.

- Matt

I've written an article suggesting some radical changes to the Rails directory structure for Rails 2.0 and am curious to know the core team's thoughts about it:

Leaving aside the asthetic issues, and the high cost to tooling and books of changing the application layout, I'm curious about the whole rationale.

"One of the primary hinderances of the present Rails architecture to modularization is the directory structure."

Is this even true? We have configurable load paths, controller paths, and view paths. I simply can't see how the directory structure is even on the list of the top ten problems to 'modularization' of a rails application.

Is this even true?

I’d submit that, yes, it is. The best way that I’ve found of sharing entire “slices” of an application, is simply pluginize the whole thing. Which is rather bothersome. But, in that case, I simply have an svn:external (or in some cases just a symlink) pointing to the plugin. To do that without pluginizing, using the current directory structure, is impractical.

That being said though, I don’t think thats enough reason to justify such a change. Others have already mentioned the appropriate reasons as to why its not.


I agree as well. It's only ONE problem, but it's a big one. Distribution, upgrades, and even just seeing what files came from where. Generators don't solve it, and plugins just seem wrong. The closest thing would be Components, but of course they have their own issues.

The other problems may or may not be more significant. Granted, you can't rip out the average controller from an arbitrary app and re-use it, but there's no reason you can't have loosely coupled "apps" running under the same memory footprint sharing nothing more than a common login.

I started to write more on the subject and it turned into a whole article:

What do you think?

It is if that is your viewpoint. Fundamentally the object map is a network, not a tree. So a directory hierarchy can only ever show one viewpoint. And the current one is as good a compromise as any.

Perhaps a solution is a generator that can creates a different view using symbolic links?

Either that or a semantic filesystem... :slight_smile:


My experience with building an extension system for Radiant tells me that it is. Radiant extensions provide an app directory with places for controllers, views, and models--just like Rails--and the whole thing seems extremely heavyweight.

Granted I can easily fix the layout for the Radiant extension system, but that would kind of defeat the purpose. Radiant extensions are supposed to look like mini-rails apps.

I believe the whole thing reveals a systemic problem with the way the Rails directory structure was designed. A bold claim, I know, but I believe it's true.

Again, what exactly is the point of organizing files by type? Our applications have logical structure, why not reflect that in directory layout?

Perhaps the example laid out in my article is a bit extreme. I'd see it as a win if we just moved to a directory per related controller, model, and views:

app/   application/     application_controller.rb     application_layout.rhtml   accounts/     account.rb     accounts_controller.rb     accounts_helper.rb     accounts_edit.rhtml     accounts_login.rhtml     accounts_signup.rhtml   posts/     post.rb     posts_controller.rb     posts_helper.rb     posts_index.rhtml     posts_archive.rhtml     posts_post.rhtml   comments/     comment.rb     comments_controller.rb     comments_helper.rb     comments_list.rhtml

Is that not 10 times cleaner and easier to navigate? Now I can `mate app/comments` to work on a single controller and related views.

Please, set the issues of backwards compatibility aside or personal preference and argue with merit alone.

Because of "configurable load paths, controller paths, and view paths", I believe that what John Long is proposing is already possible. It would just take some ingenuity and configuration effort. So I really don't see the sense in lobbying for *everyone* using Rails to change over to that alternate directory structure.

Cheers, Obie

Perhaps the example laid out in my article is a bit extreme. I'd see it as a win if we just moved to a directory per related controller, model, and views:

[snipped example]

Is that not 10 times cleaner and easier to navigate? Now I can `mate app/comments` to work on a single controller and related views.

Sure that's nice and easy to look at, but it rather assumes that you can take each model and assign it to a controller. The rails apps I work on would not fit so easily into that schema: many models have dependencies on other models, many controllers pull together several models. A lot of our models would have to either somehow live in 3 different places or I'd somehow have to arbitrarily pick one controller/component as the 'master' one for that model. Other models don't have corresponding controllers at all.


That's not necessarily true. For those models you could drop them in the "app/application" folder with "application_controller.rb" or even in a standard "shared" directory. There are any number of ways of doing it and keeping it clean.

There is a definite benefit to being able to look at all the models or controllers for an application together, or all the controllers. You might convince me that your idea is BETTER, but you won't convince me that it is universally better, or that organization by type is somehow redundant and carries semantic benefit.

When you are working on radiant extensions of course it seems heavyweight because you are talking about modular pieces of functionality that are supposed to be tight and contained by design.

However Rails was designed to build monolithic applications, and when you 10 heavily interdependent controllers backed by 20 models, you're getting a good number of files per directory. Breaking them down into modules may not be straightforward at all. If models are used evenly by many controllers where do they go? Suddenly you find yourself creating many modules just so the hierarchy is logical, and you end up with the converse problem: that you have too many modules, none of which are re-usable, when you could have everything in a single controllers and models directory.

I totally understand how a Radiant extension just feels bloated with all those directories, so I support some kind lighter-weight packaging such as you propose. I think Obie is on the right track that we are close to being able to do this already, but it will definitely need some optimization as we can't just go filling up the view_paths and controller paths willy-nilly everytime we add a module.

My experience with building an extension system for Radiant tells me that it is. Radiant extensions provide an app directory with places for controllers, views, and models--just like Rails--and the whole thing seems extremely heavyweight.

The reality is that your use case is a tiny subset of the total number of rails users. Most of us are trying to solve a specific problem, rather than trying to glue together 'mini apps'. Rails is a web development framework, not a chunk of glue for plugins.

Please, set the issues of backwards compatibility aside or personal preference and argue with merit alone.

We have hundreds of thousands of downloads now. Setting aside backwards compatibility isn't an option. As for merit, your proposal only makes sense if we believe that reusable mini apps will ever be a viable technique for the majority of developers. That's debatable at best.

I can't see what is to stop you from releasing a plugin which uses our current configuration options for controller model and view paths to supports this functionality. Before we'd seriously consider including this kind of functionality it would have to be *seriously* battle tested, and considered an improvement by everyone that tried it.

I definitely agree that a plugin would be the best way to test the functionality before it could be seriously considered for core. I'm just trying to gauge the value of the idea and the openness of the core team before I attempt something that strenuous.

Although I don't see the practicality of grouping everything like you intend, I could see grouping the controller helpers and views together, but leaving the models separate:

app/   application/     application_controller.rb     application_helper.rb     views/       layout.rhtml   accounts/     accounts_controller.rb     accounts_helper.rb     views/       layout.rhtml       edit.rhtml       login.rhtml       signup.rhtml   models/     account.rb

Typically the helper and views are related to the controller itself, so this seems resonable.
