Best way to verify request method

I did some googling, but didn't find anything that specifically addressed my question, but if you have a link, I'd really appreciate it.

I want to build some robustness into my controllers by blocking access to actions via the wrong request method. For example, I don't want to allow a POST to the :index action. I started using the verify method, such as

verify :method => :get, :only => [:index, :new, :edit], :redirect_to => whatever

This worked well until I added some before_filters. It appears to me that before_filters are processed before verify, and that is opposite what I am trying to achieve. I'd like to check the request method before anything else happens.

I came up with an approach in which I use a real before filter and a hash of controllers, methods, and acceptable actions. It looks like

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  before_filter :verify_request_method


  def verify_request_method     if !request_method_valid?(controller_name.to_sym, action_name.to_sym, request.method.to_sym)       flash[:error] = 'Invalid request method.'       redirect_to error_path and return false     end

    return true   end


  def request_method_valid?(controller, action, method)     valid_request_methods = {       :welcome => {         :get => [:index, :about],         :post => ,         :put => ,         :delete =>       },       :users => {         :get => [:show, :new, :edit],         :post => [:create],         :put => [:update],         :delete =>       },       :sessions => {         :get => ,         :post => [:new],         :put => ,         :delete => [:destroy]       }     }

    return valid_request_methods[controller][method].include?(action)   end end

This works, but I'm curious if I'm making it more difficult than it needs to be. Is there an easier way?

Peace, Phillip

I think you are a bit confused. You mention "It appears to me that before_filters are processed before verify, and that is opposite what I am trying to achieve. I'd like to check the request method before anything else happens."

But there is nothing magic about verify. Check out the source for verify:


def verify(options={})   filter_opts = { :only => options[:only], :except => options[:except] }   before_filter(filter_opts) do |c|     c.send! :verify_action, options   end end

verify IS a before filter. You just have to make sure you order it properly so that it is the first filter to run. You really should stick with verify since it is already a before filter you sort of just reimplemented verify...

Nathan Esquenazi wrote:

I think you are a bit confused. You mention "It appears to me that before_filters are processed before verify, and that is opposite what I am trying to achieve. I'd like to check the request method before anything else happens."

But there is nothing magic about verify. Check out the source for verify:


def verify(options={})   filter_opts = { :only => options[:only], :except => options[:except] }   before_filter(filter_opts) do |c|     c.send! :verify_action, options   end end

verify IS a before filter. You just have to make sure you order it properly so that it is the first filter to run. You really should stick with verify since it is already a before filter you sort of just reimplemented verify...

Thanks, Nathan. I knew that verify is *essentially* a before_filter, but I guess I never thought about it *being* a before filter. Now that I think of it, I may have positioned it after the before_filters in my controller. Not sure why. And that, of course, would have produced the before_filter first, verify last pattern that caused me problems.

As to your comment about me reinventing verify, that's exactly what I did because I didn't know what else to do. I'd much stay with what's already built in, so I will reposition verify to the head of my controllers and re-test. The advantage to my approach, though, is that it's all in one place, and if I want/need to change the action to take, I only have to do it in one place. I don't, however, have all of the other capabilities that verify has.

Thanks for clearing up some of my confusion.

Peace, Phillip

Are named routes not recognized in before_filters? I changed my controller to

class UsersController < ApplicationController   verify :method => :get, :only => [:show, :new, :edit], :add_flash => {:error => 'Invalid request method'}, :redirect_to => error_path   verify :method => :post, :only => [:create], :add_flash => {:error => 'Invalid request method'}, :redirect_to => error_path   verify :method => :put, :only => [:update], :add_flash => {:error => 'Invalid request method'}, :redirect_to => error_path

and get an error that 'error_path' is an undefined local variable, yet it works in other places as one would expect. I also tried using a helper to return error_path (which is already a helper!), and that didn't work either.

I'm also thinking that my method, though not "proper" Rails, is more DRY and easier to use. In my case, I put the filter in ApplicationController so all controllers can use it automatically. I need to add one hash per controller for the actions I want to protect, and that's it. I need to put an exclude test in there for any controller that I don't want to use this on, but that's easy. Using verify straight away, I need to add the calls for each request method in each controller, and if I change the behavior of failed verifications, I have to modify all controllers.

I think I'll keep using my approach as long as it serves its purpose and doesn't present any obstacles. If it does, I'll step back and re-evaluate.

Thanks again for your input Nathan. I really appreciate people taking the time to share their knowledge.

Peace, Phillip

The verify method would work like this:

verify :method => :get, :only => [:show, :new, :edit], :add_flash => {:error => 'Invalid request method'}, :redirect_to => :error_path   verify :method => :post, :only => [:create], :add_flash => {:error => 'Invalid request method'}, :redirect_to => :error_path   verify :method => :put, :only => [:update], :add_flash => {:error => 'Invalid request method'}, :redirect_to => :error_path

Note that the urls are symbols in the filter because this is happening at the class level where they are not defined. The symbols are later turned into the appropriate url.