Best way to render partial


I wonder which is better between [1] and [2].

[1] ------layouts/application.html.erb-------- ... <div id="content">   <%= yield %> </div> ...

-------some_action.html.erb-------- ... <h1>Page title</h1> <p>Some contents...</p> ...

[2] ------layouts/application.html.erb-------- ... <%= yield %> ...

-------some_action.html.erb-------- <div id="content"> ... <h1>Page title</h1> <p>Some contents...</p> ... </div>

Practically they are same. I think [1] is more DRY. But I feel kinda weird with [1] because the wrapper div is separated from the real content.

Which do you think is better?


I prefer [1] as it's less painful to write the views.



I wonder which is better between [1] and [2].


------layouts/application. html.erb--------

<%= yield %>


Page title

Some contents...



<%= yield %>


Page title

Some contents...

The second one [2] is ideal in situations where your layouts/application.html.erb will be used to render different partials with varied div ids (for whatever reason). Still you can have a “parent div” in your layout template.


I prefer using [1] when there are lots of views that shares the same div#id. When there is another which changes the style, I only add a wrapper. If there should be another div, I use a content_for in the views.

Daniel G.

Sam Kong wrote:


I wonder which is better between [1] and [2].

[1] ------layouts/application.html.erb-------- ... <div id="content">   <%= yield %> </div> ...

-------some_action.html.erb-------- ... <h1>Page title</h1> <p>Some contents...</p> ...

[2] ------layouts/application.html.erb-------- ... <%= yield %> ...

-------some_action.html.erb-------- <div id="content"> ... <h1>Page title</h1> <p>Some contents...</p> ... </div>

Practically they are same. I think [1] is more DRY. But I feel kinda weird with [1] because the wrapper div is separated from the real content.

Option 1 is better. The wrapper div, if it's constant, *should* be separated from the content -- it's not a part of the content any more than a static header or footer would be.

(BTW, I highly recommend Haml instead of ERb.)

Which do you think is better?

