Hi guys,
I'm very new to RubyOnRails and have just successfully set up the RoR WebRick server on a local machine running a fully updated version of FC5 and PostGreSQL. PostGreSQL is setup properly as well as PgAdmin3 and I have a test database working.
Today I've been reading as much of the PDF book "Agile Web Development With Rails" as possible. I noticed that the author encourages his readers not to use the "component approach" and wondered why. I know that the performance is reduced, according to the author, and that is one of my concerns. But if I don't use the "component approach" then what other "better approach" is there when you are trying to simulate a "MS Access like data control" on your webpage?
From my reading so far, it seems like AJAX may hold the key to a higher
performance solution. My personal preference would be to rely as much as possible on Ruby, rather than upon JAVA, and I'm not sure what that means in terms of the currently available tools.
Thanks for your help.
Arthur Baldwin