belongs_to question


class User < AR   belongs_to :address end

class Address < AR   has_one :user end

So far, so good. But, now each user can have two addresses.

class User < AR   belongs_to :default_billing_address, :class => Address   belongs_to :default_shipping_address, :class => Address end

And I added default_billing_address_id and default_shipping_address_id to the User table. But it doesn't seem to be working properly. I can:

u = User.find(x) u.default_billing_address = Address.find(y)

But the default_billing_address_id field is never changed. Any ideas?

Thanks, Joe


Try this: class User < AR belongs_to :default_billing_address, :class => Address, :foreign_key => “default_billing_address_id” belongs_to :default_shipping_address, :class => Address, :foreign_key => “default_shipping_address_id”


I think Rails supposes both adresses to be referenced with address_id.

Hope this helps, Markus