backgroundrb help needed!

I have what I thought would be a simple thing - we use backgroundrb to watch a directory and process new files. We want to make sure that the worker is running. I thought I could have a schedule that started the worker every 5 minutes to make sure, but, it loads a new one each time (not surprising). Is there a way to make sure that there is one (and only one) of these workers running at all times?

Hi Phil,

BackgrounDRb or no, creating a file containing the process's PID, and verifying that each time the process is started is the typical unixy way to do this. How I do it:

  def self.is_running?     if File.exists? pidfile       begin         Process.kill 0, pid         return true       rescue Errno::EPERM         puts "You don't own this process."         return true       rescue Errno::ESRCH #pid doesn't exist anymore         delete_pidfile       end     end     false   end

  def self.delete_pidfile     File.delete pidfile   rescue   end

  def rescue nil   end

  def self.pidfile     "path/to/"   end

And of course just create the the appropriate file writing to it.