automagic created_at coming out null

I have a site that uses MySQL, Rails 1.2.3, and apache (proxy load balancer). I have 4 mongrels running.

Every so often when I use capistrano to deploy my latest stuff, it seems that one or more of the rails gets into a "i don't want to set created_at" mood. I end up with a sprinkling of records in my db with created_at of null and some created right around the same time with it set correctly. If is restart the rails the problem will clear. It has happened a couple of times. Now I'm getting psychotic and running sql commands all the time checking the hot tables for the rogue mongrel.

Anybody else run into this problem? I have since put in a MySQL constraint to force a non-null created_at but the whole thing makes me a little nervous about my up to know trusted rails.


Yep. Here is a sample of one of the tables that goes nuts. For the most part, it works as advertised, I have just had a few periods where all of a sudden I find records in the db with created_at.nil? == true. I have displays that :order => 'created_at DESC' and they don't work correctly. This does not just happen on one table, but across many different tables. But not everything. That is what makes me suspect a rogue mongrel.

class CreateReading < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table :readings do |t|       t.column :notification_id, :integer       t.column :bean_id, :integer       t.column :created_at, :datetime       t.column :updated_at, :datetime       t.column :cleared, :boolean, :default => false     end   end

  def self.down     drop_table :readings   end end

OK, I have some more information...

mysql -v Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 92725 to server version: 5.0.22

I changed the database tables forcing the constraint of the created_at cannot be null. So now instead of quietly chugging along it causes an error and I get the nice notification email with the trace. The nice thing is that the email tells me which specific rail is causing the crash. This has happened twice since last December and both times it was only 1 of the 4 rails that went nuts.

To recap:

I have 4 mongrels that run fine for a time. Then for some reason, one of them (that's the only case I've run into so far) will start forgetting to set created_at on new record creates. If I restart the mongrels, the problem clears.

Here is my nice SQL message: Mysql::Error: #23000Column 'created_at' cannot be null: INSERT INTO notifications (`updated_at`, `title`, `bean_id`, `url`, `description`, `triggering_event`, `created_at`) VALUES(NULL, 'Bean Comment', 7780, '/ you_tube_movie_bean/view/?bean_id=7780&full_screen=true', 'Tony De Ruvo has commented on this bean. Title: \"this is soo funny\" Description: check out parts 2 and 3\n\n', 'Comment', NULL) /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.3/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:128:in `log'

So you can see that the insert for some reason is setting created_at to NULL (last field in the parens).

How can I look into the rails bug db to see if this has ever been seen before?

How are you creating the record? Could there be anything in the model that would be overriding this?

No. The model works fine for weeks with 1000s of inserts. When the condition happens, it seems like every insert from that particular rail sets created_at to NULL. Since I put the non-null constraint on the tables, I get crashes whenever that particular rail tries to insert into any of those tables. Simultaneously, the other 3 non- freaked out rails are inserting using the same code.


I've had the same problem. Activerecord seems to set created_at and updated_at to null sometimes. I haven't managed to see any pattern in it. Currently I've added this to my model to fix it.

  # since there is a bug in activerecord(?)..   def before_create     self.created_at =     self.updated_at =   end

Very interesting, still.

You don’t have any hidden_fields or select boxes with created_at and nothing overriding in the model?

Your field is set to datetime?

Hi, no, no hidden fields or anything like that. Nothing strange appears in the log file. And the fields are set to datetime, and no overrides. So.. it's strange.

I'll keep you updated if I manage to find out what causes it. Tobias

Ryan Bigg wrote: