I fetch out the values of a table (suppose users) from database and want
to show them(user's name) in a text-field with autocomplete..
Can i do this in rails .. If yes, then how can .. ?
Do not know any thing about it .. May be you people can suggest me some
tutorials for it as well..
Waiting for every possible answer ..
Ok .. Unable to do it ..
But found another way ..
Can you guyz tell me that how to write to a file at a specific position
I mean i want to write every time at line number 3 and character number
10 of file myfile..
Then how can i ..?
I'll tell you the whole answer after resolving it ..
Thanks a lot guyz .. done it using jquery library ..
That library is using the data from a file.. and then i modified that
file according to my modification .. and found solution ..