Is there anything I can do to speed up the query of a table that has 380,000 entries and will only get bigger?
I tried the recipe in the rails recipe book but the page takes a long time just for the page to load due to the array being generated.
Is there anything I can do to speed up the query of a table that has 380,000 entries and will only get bigger?
I tried the recipe in the rails recipe book but the page takes a long time just for the page to load due to the array being generated.
Have you tried to add a :limit clause to your select statement?
Maybe show only the first 15 results and make sure there's an index at the column being searched for.
Have you got appropriate indexes on the table?
Have you tried to add a :limit clause to your select statement?
Maybe show only the first 15 results and make sure there’s an index at
the column being searched for.
Maurício Linhares (pt-br) | (en)
Is there anything I can do to speed up the query of a table that has
380,000 entries and will only get bigger?
I tried the recipe in the rails recipe book but the page takes a long
time just for the page to load due to the array being generated.
Also, you may also try using the :select to limit what fields you fetch from
your database. If you can provide a sample code, we can better assist you.
Other than that, I would recommend using the
to profile your queries to make sure that your optimizations are truly working
for the query in question.
Good luck,
Well this is crazy. I do most of my dev work on my computer I use as I work from home. Running Vista I was able to insert 388,000 records in 2:40 mins. I hesitated trying to do it on my laptop. BUT!! I am running winxp on it and I inserted 389,000 records in 40 mins. WOW! also in winxp the autocomplete lookup runs much faster in XP than Vista. Also it involves putting repetitive data in the ier own tables for better normalization. This is really more of a test to see how it compares to another system we use(JAVA) for doing data uploads.
FasterCSV.foreach(‘CIS.csv’) do |row| port,ip,circuitid,node,eqpt,org = row
ip1 = Ip.find_or_create_by_name(ip).id
node1 = Site.find_or_create_by_name(node).id
ci = ConfigurationItem.find_by_name(port)
eq = Equipment.find_or_create_by_name(eqpt).id
organ = Organization.find_or_create_by_name(org).id
if ci.nil?
ConfigurationItem.create(:name => port, :org_id => organ ,:equipment_id => eq ,:ip_id => ip1, :circuitid => circuitid, :site_id => node1)
ci.update_attributes(:name => port, :org_id => organ , :equipment_id => eq, :ip_id => ip1, :circuitid => circuitid, :site_id => node1)
First, your find_or_creates are just a hack to not throw a runtime error if you were to try to call id on nil , while also setting conditions for your finder... Either way,
Honestly, in my opinion, you'd be better off doing this in pure sql -- using Rails for this type of stuff is sometimes too slow :-/ Especially since you're not really using Rails for anything except the getters/setters, it's not like you're performing operations on any of your queries, you're just finding records and setting field values
This is just an "initial" stab at what you're looking at (in MySQL) -- could probably be beefed up a ton more, who knows: FasterCSV.foreach('CIS.csv') do |row| port,ip,circuitid,node,eqpt,org = row if connection.select_count("select count(1) from configuration_items ci where'#{port}'") > 0 insert into configuration_items (name, org_id, equipment_id, ip_id, circuitid, site_id) select '#{port}', (select id from organizations o where'#{org}'), (select id from equipments e where'#{eqpt}'), (select id from ips i where'#{ip}'), (select '#{circuit}'), (select id from sites s where'#{node}') else update configuration_items ci set'1234', ci.org_id= (select id from organizations o where'test'), ci.equipment_id= (select id from equipments e where'test'), ci.ip_id=(select id from ips i where'test 4'), ci.circuitid=4, ci.site_id=(select id from sites s where'test 2') where'test' end end
This could *possibly* be done in one query with an on duplicate key update, but I'm honestly not quite familiar enough with MySQL to do this complex of a query with DKU, I'm used to just doing things like insert or increment with DKU :).
Anyway, run that in query browser or something and see how the times compare when you're not doing any Rails lookups...
Sorry, I got the conditions backwards, it was late And I also
didn't replace my test data with your erb...