Autocomplete and save onblur

Hi all,

I have am autocomplete field that (is supposed) to save the selection as soon as it selected from the drop down. The issue is that the method to save is called before the selection is made because when I click the selection is when the onblur happens. Here is my code:

<span id = "contract_to_region_div_<%= %>" style = "padding-right: 16px; <% if @contract.all_airports == true %>display: none;<% end %>">   <% @toregion = Region.find_by_id(@contract.to_region) %>   <% func_contract_to_region = remote_function( :complete =>      'Element.hide(\'\');', :loading =>      '\'loading_contract_to_region_div_'       + +      '\');', :url => {         :action => 'save_contract_attribute_auto_complete',         :model => 'contract', :attr => 'to_region',         :contract_id =>, :look_up_model => 'Region',         :look_up_attr => 'region_name',         :field_id => 'to_region_' +},      :submit => 'contract_to_region_div_' + -%>

   To Region<br />    <%= text_field_with_auto_complete_with_id_checking         :region, :region_name, {:id => 'to_region_' +,         :value => !@toregion.blank? ? @toregion.region_name : '',         :size => 20, :onblur => func_contract_to_region},         {:url => {           :action => "auto_complete_for_region_region_name",           :pseudo_id => }         } %> </span>

I can't think of another way to make this happen, such as through a onclick, onkeydown, etc. I think if I used onfocus this method would get called twice, when I first click in the field to enter the data, and a second time when I make the selection, and I think it would make this work awkwardly.

Just wondering if anybody has tried this and got it to work the way they wanted? Thanks,
