attachment_fu with hidden_field

hey i am using attachment_fu for photo purposes and i am trying to pass a hidden value to be stored when a photo is uploaded. i am not sure how to pass this value. this is my intuitive attempt, but its not working:

<% form_for(:photo, :url => photos_path, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| -%>

        <%= f.file_field :uploaded_data, :other => params[:id] %><br/>         <%= f.hidden_field :other => params[:id] %><br/>

    <%= submit_tag 'Create' %>

<% end -%>

as you can see, i want to be able to store the value in the id params hash into the database column other. any ideas how to do this? thanks, dave

<% form_for(:photo, :url => photos_path, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| -%>          <%= f.file_field :uploaded_data%><br/>          <%= f.hidden_field :other, :value=> params[:id] %><br/>      <%= submit_tag 'Create' %>   <% end -%>

assuming the request parameter "id" is what you want to go into the "other" field.

Though it would make more sense either to populate that other field in the controller on create or in the controller method that sets up and renders the form like so:

def new   @photo =>"whatever I want other to be") end

then in the form, just

<% form_for(:photo, :url => photos_path, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| -%>          <%= f.file_field :uploaded_data%><br/>          <%= f.hidden_field :other %><br/>      <%= submit_tag 'Create' %>   <% end -%>

sweet, works great. thanks.