attachment_fu: setting the default image

Hey everyone, quick question ,

how can I set the default image using attachment_fu? (this is not a quesiton on how to use it, cause I got it working and the first image is being set as default)

Thing is, I want the user to have the option to change the default image to whichever he likes, currently I have this in the user_image controller:

    def default_image       @image = UserImage.find(params[:id])       @userimg = UserImage.find(:all, :conditions => ['parent_id is null AND user_id=?',@image.user_id])       @userimg.each do |daimg|          daimg.update_attributes(:default => false)       end       @image.set_as_default       redirect_to user_url(current_user)     end

in the model:

  def set_as_default       self.default = true   end

BUT this takes way too long because it re-creates every single image and thumbnail again...

what other way can I do this ? (where the already uploaded image dont get re-created again)

anyone ?


I have same scenario...want to let the user change an image associated with a product as being the default. Using a radio button. -- currently, it always sets the first image as the default.

They should be able to pick one, or change the existing default with radio button selection.