Association extension method

In my application a user working at a dropzone can manipulate transactions against customer accounts. Here's my models:

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :account end

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :dropzone   has_many :transactions end

class Dropzone < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :transactions, :through => :accounts do     def limited_to(transaction)       scope = Transaction.scoped({ :conditions => ['account.dropzone_id = ?',],                                    :joins => :account })       scope     end   end end

In a controller, I'd like to write:


but, I get the error:

      RuntimeError: ERROR C42P01 Mmissing FROM-clause entry for table "account" P122 Fparse_relation.c L2017 RwarnAutoRange: SELECT "transactions".* FROM "transactions" INNER JOIN "accounts" ON "accounts".id = "transactions".account_id WHERE (account.dropzone_id = 2) (ActionView::TemplateError)

I've searched all over and tried many options but can't figure this out, I hope someone can help.

Many thanks, Bryan

Hi --


thank you so much, that was the correct answer.

My complete association extension is now:

class Dropzone < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :transactions, :through => :accounts do     def limited_to(transaction)       scope = Transaction.scoped({ :conditions => ['accounts.dropzone_id = ?',],                                    :include => [:account, :payment_method, :slot] })       scope = scope.scoped :conditions => ['name ILIKE ?', "%# {transaction.account_name}%"] unless transaction.account_name.blank?       scope = scope.scoped :conditions => ['payment_method_id = ?', transaction.payment_method_id] unless transaction.payment_method_id.blank?       scope     end   end end