Is it possible to assign a given class to the form with a custom form builder? e.g. I would like to asssign to all the forms built with form_with ..., builder: MyFormBuilder do ...
always the class ‘my_form’
A couple of ways I could think of:
1. Create a form helper
def my_form_with(*args, **kwargs, &blk)
merged_classes = class_names(kwargs[:class], 'my_form')
form_with *args, **kwargs, builder: MyFormBuilder, class: merged_classes, &blk
Then use my_form_with
in place of form_with
2. Create an args helper
def my_form
{ builder: MyFormBuilder, class: 'my_form' }
Then use it with form_with
<%= form_with …, **my_form, other: args do %>
<% end %>
You could of course monkeypatch form_with
, but I recommend avoiding that. It’s better to be clear on how you configure the form.
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Hi Max,
Thanks a lot! I went with 1) and it works like a charm.