I'm an amateur learning Rails, and having trouble understanding how to
include different jQuery selectors in the same scope since Rails 3.
eg How do I include $('#big_image'), which is on the same page as
$('#little_image'), in the scope of of the following?
$('#little_image').click ->
if little_image.style.display == "block" # Hide little image/show
big image
ERROR: Uncaught ReferenceError: big_image_div is not defined
I get why big_image_div is not in the scope of $('#little_image'), but
could use some guidance as to how to go about making this work.
Your coffeeScript looks fine, I don't think that error is in reference to that as your coffee references '#big_image' and not 'big_image_div' what is 'big_image_div'?
$('#little_image').click ->
if little_image.style.display == "block" # Hide little image/show
big image
Both $('#big_image_div') and $('#big_image') cause the error.
$('#big_image_div') just throws the first error.
I assume $('#little_image') is in the scope as it is called in the
.click. The big_image and big_image_div are id's on the same page but I
don't know how to tell jQuery that...