The following RubyUnit assertions are now obsolete:
assert assert_block assert_equal assert_instance_of assert_kind_of assert_operator assert_match assert_nil assert_no_match assert_not_equal assert_not_nil
The next time you think to type any of them, use assert{ 2.0 } instead. Put whatever you like inside the { block }. assert_equal(x, y) becomes assert{ x == y }. assert_not_nil(x) becomes ... just assert{ x }! If the last statement in that block fails, your test runner will reflect the name and value of every variable in your assertion. Diagnosing assertion failures has never been easier!
Get assert{ 2.0 } the usual way:
gem install assert2
Then require 'assert2' into your test suites.
Use deny{} for situations like assert_nil that must fail.
To provide even more commentary, when either assertion fails, pass a string into either assert or deny, like this:
assert('my colleague made me do this'){ foo() < 42 }
Note: This works "best" with Ruby 1.8.6!
Feedback welcome, and happy testing!