I'm using the new(?) as_json methods within a rest api I am working on.
However I am not sure how you are supposed to, or whether it is designed to handle multiple variations of association inclusion.
For example I have a model using acts_as_tree, so that each instance has children and a parent:
class CatalogueCategory < ActiveRecord::Base
JSON_ATTRS = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'slug']
def as_json(options=nil) attributes.slice(*JSON_ATTRS).merge(:children => children, :ancestors => ancestors) end
The ancestors reference is an array of parent, grand parent etc categories back up to the root node.
However when I call .as_json on my category of interest it tries to include the children of each ancestor category which each have ancestors... and we end up in an infinite loop.
Ideally I would like to be able to specify different treatment of the same model depending on some context. That is I would like to be able to specify that ancestor categories do not include :children or :ancestors in their attributes for the as_json call.
I think most of this as_json functionality is part of 2-3.stable post 2.3.5 but hoped someone might have some guidance.
Thanks, Andrew.