Array grouping methods with index

I've found useful to have a port of the Array#each_with_index functionality to the already existent grouping methods (in_groups_of, in_groups). That way we add the ability to iterate over an array in groups and having an index for each group.

In case you think it's interesting I've created a couple of methods: Array#with_index_in_groups_of / with_index_in_groups and sent a pull request here:

Cheers!, Juanjo.

Can't you just use the enumerators that are built in to Array itself? For example:

    irb(main):006:0> x = %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)     => ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"]     irb(main):007:0> x.each_slice(3).each_with_index { |(a, b, c), i|       p [i, [a, b, c]] }     [0, ["1", "2", "3"]]     [1, ["4", "5", "6"]]     [2, ["7", nil, nil]]     => nil     irb(main):008:0>

Can't you just use the enumerators that are built in to Array itself? For example:

irb(main):006:0> x = %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) => ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"] irb(main):007:0> x.each_slice(3).each_with_index { |(a, b, c), i| p [i, [a, b, c]] } [0, ["1", "2", "3"]] [1, ["4", "5", "6"]] [2, ["7", nil, nil]] => nil irb(main):008:0>

Sure, actually both methods are just syntactic sugar over the grouping methods:

with_index_in_groups_of = in_groups_of + each_with_index with_index_in_groups = in_groups + each_with_index
