Application without database.yml


I have created one application. In that application I am not using any database. Whenever I starting rails server it is giving me an error for configuration of database.yml. What should I do for this?

Thanks, Tushar

As far as I concern that rails runs with database.yml

u can use sqlite3 and create an empty database which has no harm on your application

What should I do for this?

Read environment.rb

Shuaib Zahda wrote:

As far as I concern that rails runs with database.yml

u can use sqlite3 and create an empty database which has no harm on your application

On Mar 31, 11:31�am, Tushar Gandhi <>

I agreed that there is no harm to create an empty database. Is there no other way? Thanks, Tushar

It is possible to use Rails without a database. This is what Fernando is referring to:

  # Skip frameworks you're not going to use. To use Rails without a database   # you must remove the Active Record framework.   # config.frameworks -= [ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ]

Jason Arora wrote:

It is possible to use Rails without a database. This is what Fernando is referring to:

  # Skip frameworks you're not going to use. To use Rails without a database   # you must remove the Active Record framework.   # config.frameworks -= [ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ]

On Mar 31, 3:13�am, Fernando Perez <>

Hi, I removed comment of the config.frameworks -=[ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ]. I removed the database.yml and tried to start the server. I am getting an error "uninitialized constant Rails::Plugin::ActiveRecord (NameError)" I am using rfacebook plugin in this application. Could you give me the solution for this? Thanks, Tushar

uncomment like (if you dont need active record) No need to remove database.yml config.frameworks -= [ :active_record ]

     Now restart the server

> On Mar 31, 3:13 am, Fernando Perez <>

Hi, I removed comment of the config.frameworks -=[ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ]. I removed the database.yml and tried to start the server. I am getting an error "uninitialized constant Rails::Plugin::ActiveRecord (NameError)" I am using rfacebook plugin in this application. Could you give me the solution for this?

That looks like rfacebook is trying to use the database. If it genuinely needs this then you;ll have to setup a database for your app.
