Another TimeZone Question - Multiple Legacy Databases

We had to create a reporting software that connects to multiple databases that are all in different time zones. Is there any way for us to tell Rails which time zone each database is in and still be able to have time zone support?

I need to be able to tell rails to pull the data from the various database servers (easy enough) and display them in the user's timezone (can't do it). Problem is, Rails either thinks the data is in UTC or Local (rails app server) time zone.

I can't seem to find how to make it work. To tell Rails to get the data from a time zone of Mountain Time (US & Canada) and do the conversion from there instead of UTC.

Example - Reporting Application Server: Rails 2.3.2 Local Server TZ => Central Time (US) Data Storage: Main Database Server, UTC TZ

Application #1: Rails 2.3.2 Local Server TZ => Central Time (US) Data Storage: Main DB Server, UTC TZ

Application #2: PHP Local Server TZ => Central Time (US) Data Storage: Main DB Server, Central TZ

Application #3: PHP Local Server TZ => Eastern Time (US) Data Storage: Secondary DB Server, Eastern TZ

Main Database Server: Local Server TZ => Central Time (US)

Secondary DB: Local Server TZ => Eastern Time (US)