another question about acts_as_rateable

I've been trying to add some rating capabilities to a site I'm working on, I've been following a few tutorials (one being http:// and I keep seeing something that's confusing me.

---- from the tute : (in my ratings controller) post = Post.find(params[:id]) post.add_rating => 2)

If I place this in my code and update to match my models in my logs I see the error - undefined method `add_rating' Looking through the acts_as_rateable documentation I'm not seeing that method either.

If I alter the code to use the rate method instead of add_rating: (in my ratings controller) post = Post.find(params[:id]) post.rate(:rating => 2)

It works and updates the db table and changes that posts rating. The issue with my workaround is that it is overwriting the value - so each posts rating is only whatever was last added. Has anyone run into this? How would I get the add_rating method, also I've just noticed that my Model ends up with a rating, but not ratings?

Anybody run into these issues, any pointers on how to get this running?

thanks in advance!