Anonymous scopes against habtm relations

I need help for using anonymous scopes in my application. Consider the problem of two model linked by a habtm relation. Let them be:

class FirstModel < ActiveBase:Model   has_and_belongs_to_many :second_models end

class SecondModel < ActiveBase:Model   has_and_belongs_to_many :first_models end

I set up the application with restful resources:

map.resources :first_models, :has_many => :second_models map.resources :second_models

So, calling the application at   LOCAL_ADDRESS/first_models/1/second_models the SecondModelController is called with: params[:first_model_id] = 1

Let say that I have to use pagination for displaying elements of the SecondModel. Es.

class SecondModelController < ApplicationController   def index     @models = SecondModel.all.paginate(:page => params[:page])   end end

Now, I want to add a filter to the index method in order to display the elements of SecondModel which are linked to the FirstModel instance passed as argument (through params[:first_model_id]). I tried to use anonymous scopes:

class SecondModelController < ApplicationController   def index     @models = find_models.paginate(:page => params[:page])   end

  private     def find_models       scope = SecondModel.scoped({})

      if (params[:first_model_id])         scope = scope.scoped :include => :first_models, :conditions => ['first_model = ?', params[:first_model_id]]       end

      scope     end end

But it's not working, since the query doesn't find first_model_id as a column name in the 'second_models' table.

Can someone please help me? Thank you, guys.

class FirstModel < ActiveBase:Model

Err... ActiveRecord:Base

Looks like it's just formatting on your conditions. Shouldn't it looks something like this:

:conditions=>[' = ?', params[:first_model_id]]

AndyV wrote:

Looks like it's just formatting on your conditions. Shouldn't it looks something like this:

:conditions=>[' = ?', params[:first_model_id]]

On Jun 13, 8:42 am, Daniele Di Bernardo <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-

You're right. Now everything works correctly. I remember I tried something like this, but probably I used ' = ?' instead of ' = ?'

Thank you!