ajax.updater problem

Hi everyone I´know that it is not a ajax forum, but Im using ajax ina program created with rails code and I think that I´m not the unique person who use the Ajax. UpdaterPeriodically. My problem is that my program doesn´t refresh the div tag, following it´s my source code. Anyone can say me why it doesn´t work?

<head> <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %> </head> <script type="text/javascript">        {             new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(imagen, 'image_tag("/guarrada/guarrada/foto.jpg")',{frequency:'1'});         }

    </script> <h1>HOLA MUNDO</h1> <%= link_to "My blog", posts_path %> <p><%=image_tag("/guarrada/guarrada/foto2.jpg") %></p> <div id="imagen"> <%=image_tag("/guarrada/guarrada/foto.jpg") %> </div>


Hi everyone I´know that it is not a ajax forum, but Im using ajax ina program created with rails code and I think that I´m not the unique person who use the Ajax. UpdaterPeriodically. My problem is that my program doesn´t refresh the div tag, following it´s my source code. Anyone can say me why it doesn´t work?

Well first off that image_tag isn't in a <%= %> so that ruby won't get evaluated. Additionally that second paramter should be the path to something on your server that will return an html fragment


Frederick Cheung wrote:

You can't refresh the image itself, but you can refresh whatever piece of html contains the img tag - update the imagen div with some html containing a different img tag to the one initially on screen


Frederick Cheung wrote:

containing, not container. I meant that you don't refresh the image itself, you refresh the piece of html that has the img tag.


Frederick Cheung wrote:

You need to write an action that only renders that div


This is what you want: <%= periodically_call_remote(   :frequency => 1,    :url => { :action => 'action' },

) %>

When the action is called it will look for an RJS file with the same name.rjs. in the rjs:

page[:div].replace_html :partial => ' html piece with the picture'

Frederick Cheung wrote:

> Fred

Ok, Thanks!!But �I want to refresh the div for the same div, if I put new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(target, 'http://localhost:3000/',{frequency:'1'}) the result is that all the web page appears where before I only had an image. How can I do to refresh only that image

You need to write an action that only renders that div


Hi everyone:

I have had sucess with Ajax.periodicallyupdater but the result weren´t be the expected, because I need to refresh the div with a frequency of 0.5 sec and with that frequency didn´t work like I need. Can you give another idea about functions or other ajax and rails functionalities for do that??

Thanks a lot!!

Thanks a lot!!

I solve that problem. Anyway thanks a lot