Ajax Sort of Working. Model being saved but view not being updated.

I am trying to create a model and update the page element with ajax. The model is being saved and committed to the database. However the view just sits there and does nothing. If I refresh the page manually, the new model is there.

The error log:

ActionView::TemplateError (You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.created_at) on line #4 of pizzas/_pizza_comment_item.html.erb: 1: <table> 2: 3: <tr> 4: <td class="extend_td_time"><%= pizza_comment_item.created_at.strftime('%B %d, %Y - %H:%M %p' ) %></

5: <td class="second_td_comment"><%= pizza_comment_item.comment %></td> 6: </tr> 7:


def show   @user_id = session[:user]   @user = User.find(@user_id)   @pizza = Pizza.find(params[:id], :conditions => {:user_id => @user_id})   @pizza_comments = PizzaComment.find(:all, :conditions => {:pizza_id => @pizza, :user_id => @user_id}, :order => "created_at DESC") end

def add_pizza_comment   @user_id = session[:user]   @user = User.find(@user_id)

  @pizza_comment = PizzaComment.create!(params[:pizza_comment])   render :update do |page|     page.replace_html("pizza_comment", :partial => "pizza_comment", :object => @pizza_comment)   end end



<tr>   <td class="extend_td_time"><%= pizza_comment_item.created_at.strftime('%B %d, %Y - %H:%M %p' ) %></

  <td class="second_td_comment"><%= pizza_comment_item.comment %></td> </tr>



<h3>History</h3> <div id="show_comment_list">   <%= render :partial => "pizza_comment_item", :collection => @pizza_comments %> </div> <p></p>


  <div id="pizza_comment">     <%= render(:partial => "pizza_comment", :object => @pizza_comment)%>


  <% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => 'add_pizza_comment' } do %>     <%= text_field 'pizza_comment', 'comment' %>     <%= hidden_field 'pizza_comment', 'user_id', :value => "1" %>     <%= hidden_field 'pizza_comment', 'pizza_id', :value => "2"%>     <%= submit_tag 'Add Comment' %>

  <% end %>

Your add_pizza_comment action renders the pizza_comment partial, which references @pizza_comments. That action doesn't defined @pizza_comments
