Ajax request executing well on localhost but not on server

I have an Ajax request from a form

<form class="non_tabular" onsubmit="new Ajax.Request('/intranet-dev/ welcome/infos_send', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;" method="post" action="/intranet-dev/welcome/infos_send"> <!--[form:user]-->

it executes well in dev n locahost... (mongrel) and on local Apache server (http://aelmat.local) but it's not executing when running on remote host server

what could be the issue ? where should I look for ?


I have an Ajax request from a form

<form class="non_tabular" onsubmit="new Ajax.Request('/intranet-dev/ welcome/infos_send', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;" method="post" action="/intranet-dev/welcome/infos_send"> <!--[form:user]-->

it executes well in dev n locahost... (mongrel) and on local Apache server (http://aelmat.local) but it's not executing when running on remote host server

what could be the issue ? where should I look for ?

In what way is it not working ? (the response contains an error, the request is garbled, the request never makes it to rails, it never makes a request at all, etc. )


sorry, Fred , I was a little bit lost I have 2 ajax forms almost identical, one is running well , not the second one....and I was looking into the wrong development log.... (deployment is sometimes a little bit confusing, even with Capistrano ( different settings... staging, production, ... )

finally I got the right log.. & discover the error ... a " scoped_by_ " => used in 2.3.2 locally ... my 'staging' environment.rb was still using 2.2.2 !!

thanks for asking questions that make me thinking a little bit more ...
