Ajax not defined.

This is my code and I am trying to call remote function when somebody click on add button after selecting something from select_tag. Please tell me where I am wrong ? I am getting following error: Ajax not defined.

<input type="button" value="< Add" class="button" onclick="<%= remote_function(:url => {:controller => 'users', :action => 'add_line'}) %>" />

<%= select_tag 'available_line_id',options_for_select(customers),{:id => 'available_line_id',:multiple => true, :size => 13, :style => 'width: 225px;'} %>


Attachments: http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/3475/new.html.erb

This is my code and I am trying to call remote function when somebody click on add button after selecting something from select_tag. Please tell me where I am wrong ? I am getting following error: Ajax not defined.

Probably means that your page doesn't load the prototype javascript library (which is the thing that adds the Ajax object). See javascript_include_tag
