acts_as_paranoid: has_one_paranoid

Hi all,

Ran in to a problem with AR::B#find(:include) and acts_as_paranoid, well described here:

So I whipped up this thing, which seems to work for me:

module ActiveRecord   class Base     def self.has_one_paranoid(*args)       ref = create_has_one_reflection *args       cond = args.last[:conditions]       cond = cond.blank? ? '' : cond + ' AND'       cond << " (#{ref.table_name}.deleted_at IS NULL OR #{ref.table_name}.deleted_at > '#{}')"       args.last[:conditions] = cond       has_one *args     end   end end

I have two questions about it: 1) where's a good place to post it to get it into trunk, rubyforge's tracker didn't seem too lively. 2) are there any spots where I should be doing it differently? I'm not familiar with AR's best practices.