ActiveSupport_1.4.3.7843 not available to gem

On Oct 1, use of:

sudo gem install rails --source

→ resulted in installation of rails- (which I have enjoyed thoroughly since)

This morning was different. Use of:

sudo gem install rails --source

→ resulted in installation of rails-1.2.5 (appears to be a backward step from .7707)

Just now, use of:

sudo gem install rails --source

→ failed with this response:

Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn] y

ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

Could not find activesupport (= in any repository

What would be the best method (using gems) to install the current ‘preview release’?


I'm getting the same problem. Surely some others are experuencing this same issue? Any ideas when it will get fixed?

It's fixed, waiting for the updated gems to be pushed out.
